Journal Metrics |
Acceptance rate: 66.74%
Time to First Decision: 1 week
Review Time: 3 weeks
Publication Time: 2 weeks
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microcontroller, electronics, medical informatics, biomedical engineering
Journal of Electronics, Electromedical Engineering, and Medical Informatics, JEEEMI, makes mandatory for the authors reporting experiments with the involvement of animals and human subjects to adhere to following facets:
The Editor-In-Chief will evaluate the submitted manuscripts on animal well-being issues and if the research found to be inconsistent with commonly accepted norms of using the animal and human subjects, the manuscript is liable to be rejected. The Editor-In-Chief also reserve the right to contact the approving committee for any further clarification.
Researchers please note that they have a moral obligation towards the animals and human subjects they use for their research goals and they must treat them with compassion and consider their well-being while designing the projects.
Approval from a properly constituted ethical committee or ethical review board is essential, and authors submitting papers may be asked to provide documentary evidence of this requirement, in addition to a written statement to this effect in the body of the paper.
One of the most important areas of ethical consideration is the obtaining of informed consent from subjects participating in medical research. This issue, of course, is one in which ethical committees have a vital interest. In many countries the issue of informed consent is laid down in statute, with regulations derived from the Nuremberg Code and the Declaration of Helsinki. Articles submitted to the JEEEMI will be expected to demonstrate a valid and ethical process of informed consent for all participants in research studies.
If the Editors of the JEEEMI consider the content of a submitted article to be ethically unsound, they may seek further advice or recommend investigation or action. This may be in addition to rejection of the article for publication. In the first instance this would involve the authors to respond to editorial concern. In addition the Editors may contact the head of department where the work was undertaken for comments and a possible investigation. In the most extreme cases, where scientific fraud or serious ethical misconduct is suspected the Editors may inform the medical registration body of the article guarantor or senior investigator.
Publication of any patient information usually requires informed consent – even if identifying features are removed. There are occasional exemptions to this policy, such as instances in which either the patient or next of kin are untraceable or when there is an overriding public health concern making publication of patient information desirable. Authors should note that blacking out of the eyes in patient photographs is, in itself, insufficient as a protection of anonymity and that photographs such as this must be accompanied by a signed statement from the patient giving explicit consent to the publication process.
Journal Metrics |
Acceptance rate: 66.74%
Time to First Decision: 1 week
Review Time: 3 weeks
Publication Time: 2 weeks
Citation Analysis:
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>> Scopus
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Journal of Electronics, Electromedical Engineering, and Medical Informatics
Organized by: Jurusan Teknik Elektromedik, Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Surabaya, Indonesia
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Published by: Jurusan Teknik Elektromedik, Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Surabaya, Indonesia
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e-ISSN: 2656-8632
Address: Pucang Jajar Timur No.10, Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia
Phone: +6231-5037905 | Mobile Phone: +628155126883 | Fax.: +6231-5025609
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