Journal of Electronics, Electromedical Engineering, and Medical Informatics is an open-access journal dedicated to the dissemination of high-quality research in the field of Electronics, Biomedical Engineering, and Medical Informatics. To cover the costs associated with manuscript processing, peer review, editing, production, and online hosting, the journal charge Article Processing Charges (APCs) on authors whose manuscripts are accepted for publication.
    • The standard APC for regular articles in JEEEMI  is Rp 2.750.000 or ($250 USD for overseas author) started from Volume 7, Issue 1 (January 2025)
    • Authors of regular articles are required to pay this fee upon acceptance of their manuscript for publication.
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This fee includes the reviewing process, DOI registration for each paper, checking the article similarity by Turnitin, and English proofreading. Once the article has been considered as an ACCEPTED paper, the publication payment procedure will be sent by email to the authors. The camera-ready paper will be submitted for final checking to the authors after the payment has been completed. The journal will be freely available to all readers with worldwide visibility and coverage.