Comparison of CatBoost and Random Forest Methods for Lung Cancer Classification using Hyperparameter Tuning Bayesian Optimization-based
Lung Cancer is a disease that has a high mortality rate and is often difficult to detect until it reaches a very severe stage. Data indicates that lung cancer cases are typically diagnosed late, posing significant challenges to effective treatment. Early detection efforts offer potential for better recovery chances. Therefore, this research aims to develop methods for the identification and classification of lung cancer in the hope of providing further knowledge on effective ways to detect this condition at an early stage. One approach under scrutiny involves employing machine learning classification techniques, anticipated to serve as a pivotal tool in early disease detection and enhancing patient survival rates. This study involves five stages: data collection, data preprocessing, data partitioning for training and testing using 10-fold cross validation, model training, and analysis of evaluation results. In this research, four experiments consist of applying two classification methods, CatBoost and Random Forest, each tested using default hyperparameter and hyperparameter tuning using Bayesian Optimization. It was found that the Random Forest model using hyperparameter tuning Bayesian Optimization outperformed the other models with accuracy (0.97106), precision (0.97339), recall (0.97185), f-measure (0.97011), and AUC (0.99974) for lung cancer data. These findings highlight Bayesian Optimization for hyperparameter tuning in classification models can improve clinical prediction of lung cancer from patient medical records. The integration of Bayesian Optimization in hyperparameter tuning represents a significant step forward in refining the accuracy and effectiveness of classification models, thus contributing to the ongoing enhancement of medical diagnostics and healthcare strategies.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Yra Fatria Zamzam, Triando Hamonangan Saragih, Rudy Herteno, Muliadi, Dodon Turianto Nugrahadi, and Phuoc-Hai Huynh
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