Implementation of C5.0 Algorithm using Chi-Square Feature Selection for Early Detection of Hepatitis C Disease
Hepatitis C, a significant global health challenge, affects 71 million people worldwide, with severe complications such as cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. Despite its prevalence and availability in rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs), the need for accurate early detection methods remains critical. This research aims to enhance hepatitis C virus classification accuracy by integrating the C5.0 algorithm with Chi-Square feature selection, addressing the limitations of current diagnostic approaches and potentially reducing diagnostic errors. This research explores the development of a machine learning model for hepatitis C prediction, utilizing a publicly available dataset from Kaggle. It encompasses preprocessing techniques such as label encoding, handling missing values, normalization, feature selection, model development, and evaluation to ensure the model's efficacy and accuracy in diagnosing hepatitis C. The findings of this study reveal that implementing Chi-Square feature selection significantly enhances the effectiveness of machine learning algorithms. Specifically, the combination of the C5.0 algorithm and Chi-Square feature selection yielded a remarkable accuracy of 96.75%, surpassing previous research benchmarks. This highlights the potent synergy between advanced feature selection techniques and machine learning algorithms in improving diagnostic precision. The study conclusively demonstrates that machine learning is an effective tool for detecting hepatitis C, showcasing the potential to enhance diagnostic accuracy significantly. As a future recommendation, adopting AutoML is suggested to periodically automate the selection of the optimal algorithm, promising further improvements in detection capabilities.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Mahmud Mahmud, Irwan Budiman, Fatma İndriani, Dwi Kartini, Mohammad Reza Faisal, Hasri Akbar Awal Rozaq, Oktay Yildiz
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